Stop Marketing to Millennials or Gen-Z and Start Marketing to Tribes

This year, “Gen-Z are set to overtake Millennials as the biggest generation globally,” writes Kian Bakhtiari of CMO network. He adds, however, that we shouldn’t think of young people as a marketing segment, because they’re not: “The digital age has enabled the creation of modern tribes, united by a shared mindset, rather than age or location.”

Demographic information alone is no longer as important. Add in different behaviors, attitudes and needs of young people, along with the fact that they are often “invisible” and populate social media platforms—and you have a more complicated yet authentic way of understanding your customer base. The fact that Bakhtiari’s byline in Forbes magazine states he writes about marketing through a “Millennial and Gen-Z lens” is proof of his message. Read his entire article, “Stop Marketing to Millennials or Gen-Z and Start Marketing to Tribes” to better understand this mindset shift.

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