How to ‘Spring Clean’ Your Website with Content Auditing

Prospective and current customers spend a lot of time researching before reaching out to companies. What do they look at first? Usually, it’s your website! Is it updated, organized, and current? It’s time to tidy up your website—otherwise, how do you know what your visitors are seeing? Read “How to ‘Spring Clean’ Your Website with Content Auditing” for website tips on goal setting, how to create an inventory, and then how to take action to meet your goals.

Safeguard company data across apps and devices with Microsoft 365

62% of SMBs don’t have an active or up-to-date cybersecurity strategy in place. Want to make sure that your data is protected, no matter what apps or devices you and your employees are using?

Now, you can take advantage of our data protection solutions featuring #M365 Business. Check out this infographic—which shows industry trends, pain points, and proof points—to learn why and how.

No matter where you are on the path to upgrading your security solutions, we’re here to help. Contact our team at 99h1 to get started.

Customer Lifetime Value and the Subscription Economy

“Customer Lifetime Value and the Subscription Economy” by Phani Nagarjuna is an interesting article about the concept that a customer has a quantifiable lifetime value—first considered in the magazine industry’s subscription-based revenue system. “In today’s always-connected, data-saturated economic system,” writes Nagarjuna, “business models have become the mainstay beyond just magazines and streaming video services.” He continues that “every business today” has a reason to consider its customers as continuing streams of revenue “rather than their individual, one-and-done purchases.” Read his article as you contemplate how to address the lifetime value of your customers.