Customer story: Presentation Studio

@pstudio is making waves across Asia-Pacific by helping companies create beautiful, memorable presentations. With help from Microsoft 365 Business, @pstudio leverages enterprise-grade security and productivity tools.

After adopting a #cloudbased #Microsoft365 platform, @pstudio cut its IT bill in half and enhanced security for customer and company data. Curious about how our #Microsoft solutions can help your company save money and keep your data secure? Contact our team at 99h1 to get started!

Help customers work together with Microsoft technology

Did you know that 83% of employees depend on technology to work together? How are you helping your teams work together to do their best work?

Now, you can offer your team an integrated #Teamworksolution from #Microsoft. By streamlining communication, you can help your employees bring their teams and resources together, connect with users outside the company, and even work remotely.

Why wait? Contact our team at 99h1 to get started today.